Monday, October 18, 2010


The weather prognosticators predict the overnight low to be 30F tonight. It's been trying to freeze for the last week with lows in the mid 30s but hasn't quite got that low. Though have had an icy windshield on the truck in the morning.
The parents came down from Spokane Sunday afternoon to get the rest of the Citron I grew. So Saturday evening the wife and I went out the pick them. I don't think I need to grow Citron for a few years. We picked 45 of them. Add the 15 from a couple of weeks ago, that's a total of 60. Didn't weigh them but estimate they weighed 300 lbs total (all 60, average 5lbs).

Also dug the Sweet Potato bed, got 19 lbs of taters. Now I need to process them for freezing/canning seeing as they didn't get cured.

Cleaned the pole beans up today. Have been neglecting them for a couple weeks so have a few more than needed for seed me thinks.