The garden is growing like gangbusters in the heat, it's been in the high 90's the last 2.5 weeks (finally). There have been a couple of windy days the the last 3 weeks, one of which reduced one of my eggplants to this state.
Snapped off by 55 mph wind :-(
The rest the garden survived the winds well, the corn was listing a bit but the next day was back standing tall. It's now 6-7 feet tall with tassels so should have sweet corn in a few weeks.

The melons and cucumbers are loving the heat and sunshine.

This is a Moon and Stars Watermelon, the largest one growing on 4 plants.

There be tomatoes here!! Picked the first tomatoes on the 21st, three cherry. Boy, was they yummy. The peppers are also producing well, have picked two of the Quadrato Asti Giallo so far.

The rhubarb is growing nicely, when planted in early June it was just a few 2-3 inch long leaves.

The harvests of the last weighted in at 2081 grams (4.68 lbs) and includes 5 peppers, 5 cherry tomatoes, a handful of beans, 3 cucumbers, some chard, a 1 pound broccoli and 3 small sticks of rhubarb.

In the last post, I showed a loaf of 'No Knead Bread'. Last week I tried a variant with cut oats which turned out well ( No picture , sorry). If you would like to try it follow the Link and scroll down to the cut oat recipe.
Garden On.
Everything looks colorful and delicious! Sorry about the eggplant, that one remaining leaf looks like a valiant little soldier! One year (of course the year with the biggest, healthiest Brandywines ever) a hurricane tore all the tomatoes completely down, I literally sobbed, I watched it happen... big 'maters smashed on the fence and the ground! This year my tomatoes aren't doing so great so I'm dreading hurricane season because if we lose power and a/c in these 100 degree temps I won't know what to do! Hope you cool down a few degrees, high 90's gets on my nerves LOL
Lookin' good, neighbor! I'll be raiding your corn patch after checking out mine today ;-)
I'm saving those raspberries for you, come and get them! Bring a bucket full of dirt!
You're Granny's neigbor? You lucky fella.
Nice harvest.
Your garden looks good stranger! How does the Moon & Stars watermelon taste? I always look at those seeds and want to plant them. Hopefully next year I will have room for watermelons.
Sorry to read about your eggplants. It's been so hot here too, but the plants have been suffering from the heat. We finally got a little rain today.
Granny is about 12 miles as the crow flies from me.
Haven't gotten a taste of the Moon and Stars yet. Will let you all know how they test.
Ok, bucket of dirt and I will be there in the morning.
Was very unhappy about that eggplant as it was the one with the blossoms on it at the time. If the other plants around it share some sun that one leaf may grow again.
I have two eggplants. You are welcome to one of them.
I think you and the Grandmother live in some never-neverland where everything grows and the cows whistle happy tunes.
No, TIG. That would be California.
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