Well it didn't work as well as I would hope :-(
Put the concrete in the mold Tuesday evening, a thinner mix than the first batch. Wednesday morning, on the way out the door heading to work, I checked it. It was cracked, not all the way, but cracked :-(. That evening I took it out of the form, at least it didn't break into 20 pieces like the first one did. Only one break and the crack, I think I can repair it. The crack is near the stick.
I will get some chicken wire to use as reinforcement on the next try. If that one breaks, I'll have to rebuild the form so the plank is thicker, probably should do that anyway.
On growing things, the seeds that were planted 4 weeks ago have finally started to grow. Some have doubled in size the last day or two, probably because of the weather turning warm and sunny. Now if the peas would grow, as I am Jonesing for some fresh peas.
It needs reinforcement, definitely. Also, try covering it in sacking and water it regularly. The slower it dries, the stronger it will be. Also, it might not hurt to add some plasticiser if all else fails. I think chicken wire and a slow slow set will do the trick though!
Thanks for the advise IG. Rebuilt the form today, is now 9x2x48, which is 1/2inch thicker.
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