I asked the wife to goto the farmers market on Saturday before last and get some Rhubarb if they had any. She got a pound and half. I haven't had any Rhubarb in so long, the Rhubard Pineapple cobbler she made from my Moms recipe was SO good, Yummmm.
Monday before last my parents came down for a visit, bringing 5 sets of Rhubard for me, which are now growing. Dad helped with a couple of things in the garden, weed whacking the fence line, cleaned out the back of the truck after we got a yard of manure and some digging of a new beds.

Thats two new beds and one extended bed, another 280 ft^2 of space, with another 300 planned. I'm soooo slow in getting things planted, with the cool weather and rain of the last few weeks. Those are the peppers and eggplant in the foreground of the new bed picture. They have been spending their nights in the cold frame.
Garden On.
Oooh, those radishes look so good! I didn't even try another planting, but looking at yours I think I should have. Maybe I'll still give it a try, we may never get summer weather. You're really going to have a lot of growing space with those two new and the extended bed. 4000 grams of lettuce? You just say that 'cause it sounds like so much more than pounds or ounces ;-)
Radishes look great! We've been having some crazy rain here, too. Doesn't seem like there's an end in sight.
Just to lazy to push the button so the scale will show OZ instead. But 4000 grams is over 8 lbs.
And more rain today, ALL day, Bah.
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